Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snow Storm Walk

A couple of nights ago there was a snow storm. Big fat flakes filled the air and obscured everything more than 50 feet away.

So that meant it was the perfect night for a walk!

Our street when the storm hits
Glosette Girl, Margot, and I put on our sexiest snowpants and wandered down to Fairmont park, which is the second closest park to our house. It is a nice park in a slightly more gentrified neighbourhood - about 5-10 minutes away.

Tennis, anyone?
Fairmont is definitely a great park to wander through in the winter as the trees give it a magical aura. I think elves live in some of them.

Although it was only 6:30 pm or so, we were almost the only people walking around. I liked that. It felt like the storm, as fierce as it was, was a present just for us.


  1. We are looking at your photos of snow on a regular basis. The kids, rather than wanting to come and visit you in Canada, now want to come and live in Canada.

    I'm just wondering where the pictures of you and Jen in your sexy snowpants are..??!!!
