Thursday, January 5, 2017

So Canadian

A week back from sunny Costa Rica I feel so...Canadian.

I can't help it. It's such a cliche but it's because of the snow. The heaps and piles of snow. It's everywhere. I have a long driveway which, after a snowfall, is really just a big target for more snow.

It really adds up.

What's extra frustrating is that I have no place to put the snow other than my backyard. So whenever it snows (i.e. every day since we've come back) I shovel it to the back of the house and pile it on top of the snow that's already there.


At least Monday (which was a holiday) was sunny and not too cold. We took advantage of that fact and found ourselves a  skating rink at nearby Dovercourt Centre. There is actually another skating rink closer to where I live but we opted for this one as they do a good job of keeping it clear even though it can fill up with hockey players some time.

Sigh. I can't believe I mentioned snow, skating and hockey in the same blog post. My Canadian radar is definitely on today.

Oh what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound: "maple syrup".


  1. Every time my kids see your blog they sigh and harumph about the fact that we don't have snow! I guess, like many things, it's more romantic from a distance! Bx

  2. re: comment above - it's like they say...everything in moderation ;) I personally love snow - SOME snow. We haven't had tons of it in Toronto, so I'm kind of looking forward to a fresh blanket it of it. But fast-forward two months and you can bet your bobsled that I'll be singing a different tune, itching for spring to arrive!

    For now though, I'm in an embrace-winter frame of mind!
