Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Soirée coup d'oeil

Last week was Soirée coup d'oeil at Margot's school, Saint-François-d'Assise

It's an annual event where the principal of the school provides some general school news and, more importantly, parents get a chance to meet the teacher for the first time (officially).

Glosette Girl is gung-ho into education so if I was a lazier sort I probably could kick back at home, catch up on some Game of Thrones*, and she'd enthusiastically report back to me what's going on (probably using colour coded binders).

As much I like my GoT, I am also starving news about what actually happens at Margot's school. I don't know how your kids are but here's a typical conversation with Margot about her school day:

"How was school, honey?"


"Anything interesting happen?"


So yeah, notwithstanding the fact that I knew everything would be presented in French I made sure to attend. Actually, even though I'm not fluently bilingual, I got the gist of what was going on (French teachers enunciate very well!). Here is what I learned:
  • Margot's teacher, Madame R, is one tough cookie! She seems to have a good heart but I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her!
  • French, French, French! The more we live our lives with French with Margot, the better. 
  • It's a Catholic school so a Christian ethos is still important. (Possibly controversial for some parents who might be sending their kids to the school for the French and not the religion. I would be more sympathetic to that argument if we didn't have 2 other schools within 3 blocks of Saint-François-d'Assise - an English public and a French public plus lots more schools a little further afield. We don't lack for choice!)
  • According to Madame R, our job as parents is not too bug them about homework. It's to read with them, play with them and ask them questions.
  • Oh yeah, and Glosette Girl wants to mention that they are really trying to build little citizens: "pensée critique, citoyen engagé".
Anyways, tres interesting! Now back to House Baratheon.

* Glosette Girl and I have finally jumped on the Game of Thrones bandwagon and we are racing through the back episodes to catch up! We're still on season 1. Good ol' Ned Stark. I can't wait to see what happens to that honourable chap in the later seasons.

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